> Uwe Brauer writes:

> I see. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but I often use
> filetags.el (https://github.com/DerBeutlin/filetags.el) which allows you
> to add tags to files and directories in Dired. You can add multiple
> tags, remove or update them. It's not a panacea, because the tags are
> added directly to the file/directory name (as part of the name, I mean),
> but in general it's enough for me when I want to have a file tagged in
> some way. I can then locate this files by tag names using helm-locate.

Hm I played around with filetags and it is quite nice, I think, thanks
for pointing it out to me.

I would be extremely interested how you use helm-locate in that context,
and you give me an example, please?

For example I have the following tags added to a specific directory 
bio-hoja4 -- EDO Uwe.tex
h1A_ECM_n -- analysis1.tex

How would I use helm-locate to search those tags?


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