Joost Kremers <> writes:

> On Sun, Oct 30 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> May I know if there is any update on the copyright assignment situation?
>> If you need any help, we can provide it.
> I have signed the form and sent it in, and I have received the counter-signed
> form back from the FSF.


> Parsebib's Github page mentions 6 contributors, however, and I have no idea if
> they all have copyright assignments, or if their contributions are small 
> enough
> not to require one.

The rules are in

Shuguang Sun contributed TINYCHANGE (no need for copyright assignment;
   though he contributed ~15LOC and it is on the edge)
Martin R. Albrecht also contributed TINYCHANGE
Alex Branham -- TINYCHANGE
aikrahguzar -- TINYCHANGE
AndrĂ¡s Simonyi has copyright assignment (see
And you have the copyright assignment

> I could dive into that and see if we need more copyright assignments, or I 
> could
> ask for parsebib to be included in non-GNU Elpa, which would probably be 
> faster.
> Don't know if you have a preference.

I see no obstacles to go for ELPA, unless you have strong reasons to
avoid asking copyright assignment for future contributors.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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