I try to explain my self.
On my Agenda, I have this view:

Friday      4 November 2022
  renato:      8:00...... cili 
               8:00...... ----------------
              10:00...... ----------------
              12:00...... ----------------
              13:43...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
              14:00...... ----------------
              16:00...... ----------------
  renato:     18:00-19:30  yoga  
              18:00...... ----------------
              20:00...... ————————

I’m Wondering if could it be possible to have a situation like this:

Friday      4 November 2022
  renato:      8:00...... cili 
               8:00...... ----------------
              10:00...... ----------------
              12:00...... ----------------
              13:43...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
              14:00...... ----------------
              16:00...... ----------------
  renato:     18:00 yoga  
              19:00...... "
              20:00...... ————————

Or a similar way where I have the slot  18 - 19:30 occupied by the event I’ve 
signed on my .org.
Not like the firs image where I see 18:00 - 19:30 yoga and then the line  
 18:00...... ----------------
  20:00...... ————————

I hope to have  explained what I would

Thank you


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