Henrik Frisk <fris...@gmail.com> writes:
 Then you can use the result like this:

     #+begin_src sh :var value=my_result
     echo $value
     : hello

This does not use the result but rather reevaluates the "my_result" code block.

Thank you! That was good to be reminded of, but I should have been more explicit in my first email. I'm working with a language (sclang) that for various reasons does not have support for variables in this way. The only option I have to include the results from one block is by
using a noweb referens:

#+begin_src shell
   echo "Hello"

#+name: my_result
: Hello

#+begin_src sclang :noweb yes

You could try adapting the examples for using :post at the end of: https://orgmode.org/manual/Results-of-Evaluation.html

But in my (limited) experience it is difficult to get the output right.

Another suggestion is to use a templating system for generating the src block and include the #+name: part in the template. I use yasnippet for this.

Johan Tolö

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