Hi, Org mode maintainers,

While reading the compact guide, I found a couple of minor rendering issues:

   - Section 2.2 Visibility Cycling
   <https://orgmode.org/guide/Visibility-Cycling.html>: "Org uses just two
   commands, bound to TAB and *{{{kbd{S-TAB)}}}* to change the visibility
   in the buffer."
   - Section 5.2 Multi-state Workflow
   <https://orgmode.org/guide/Multi_002dstate-Workflow.html>: "You can use
   TODO keywords to indicate *@emph{sequential}* working progress states"
   - Section 8.1 Timestamps <https://orgmode.org/guide/Timestamps.html>:
   "Its presence causes entries to be shown on specific dates in the agenda
   (see *[BROKEN LINK: *The Weekly/daily Agenda]*)."
   - Section 8.4 Clocking Work Time
   <https://orgmode.org/guide/Clocking-Work-Time.html>: "The l key may be
   used in the agenda (see *[BROKEN LINK: *The Weekly/daily Agenda])* to
   - Section 10.2 The Agenda Dispatcher
   <https://orgmode.org/guide/Agenda-Dispatcher.html>: "Create the
   calendar-like agenda (see *[BROKEN LINK: *The Weekly/daily Agenda]*)."

These issues seem to be present in the HTML and in the PDF versions of the

I'd be happy to fix the issues myself but I'd need pointers.


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