* to...@tuxteam.de <to...@tuxteam.de> [2022-12-31 10:12]:
> Perhaps it would make sense to state the goals in more
> detail. I can see many "aspects":
>  - "I don't want my ~/.emacs.d/ littered beyond my explicit
>    control"

Isn't that happening anyway by various packages and functions? I see
there "auto-install", "auto-save-list" directories, I did not create
them myself. I see "desktop", though I used "desktop" package nobody
warned me it will be there. There is "erc-log" which I did not know it
will be there, there is "eshell", "games", "icons", "image-dired",
"multisession", "newsticker", "todo" and so on, too many.

I never had explicit control over creation of those files.

Using a package alone is not what I consider under "explicit", as I
was not asked directly about any of those directories.

>  - "I don't have (nor want to have) XDG directories"

Me too, I do not want to have, and I do not have, but some XDG
environment variables are there.

>  - "I don't want things in /tmp" [1]

Me too, but I keep it in my private $TMPDIR, as it is unsafe to keep
it in /tmp

I do keep /tmp encrypted for that reason as it is not safe. And my
/home is also encrypted on different partition. 

In general it is unsafe to choose /tmp for private information as then
maybe /tmp is not encrypted.

>  - "I don't want my Emacs's session state to spill to
>    persistent media"

Me too, unless I use "desktop" and that is saved on encrypted

But I would not like using Org files on remote servers and that
information is anywhere else stored unencrypted about which file I
opened and what I wrote.


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