
I am still puzzled why you can not reproduce messed version compilation issue. I can not figure out what I am missing. I think, the case below is easier than dealing with packages:

Consider the following file compile-broken.el where ~/src/org-mode
contains git main HEAD version:

(load "org")
(let ((org-dir "~/src/org-mode/lisp"))
  (add-to-list 'load-path org-dir)
  (byte-recompile-directory org-dir 0 :force))

remove lisp/*.elc files, run "make autoloads" and

    emacs -Q -l compile-broken.el

It causes messed version compilation.

Side note: On attempt to quit (C-x C-c) I get
org-clock-kill-emacs-query: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-clocking-buffer and I had to use `kill-emacs' at this point. Exit hooks should not be so aggressive.

Next session demonstrates the issue:

    emacs -Q -L ~/src/org-mode/lisp/ -l org

There is a way to get Org completely broken. Let's simulate pulling of bundled org through some dependency and configuring new directory afterwards:

emacs -Q -l org --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \"~/src/org-mode/lisp/\")" /tmp/test.org

Version mismatch is not detected, but RET causes

   eval-buffer: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-assert-version

I have no idea how to fight with such cases.

If you still can not reproduce with Emacs <= 28.1 then I may only suggest to check (locate-library "org-macs") and to remind about (list-load-path-shadows). I have no other ideas besides your environment is not clean and development Org version is available to Emacs.

On 28/12/2022 16:46, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

Notice that `org-assert-version' works for compiled files only.

I think that most reliable approach in this situation would be pulling
`org-assert-version' into a dedicated new file, similar to what you
suggested below. That way, we will not have feature cashes.

I considered it before and discarded at first since when an Org version having such file is loaded then old version is used in the case of messed version compilation. As a result, modification of `org-assert-version' is ignored in the compiled version.

I reconsidered my opinion, though I still can not get really robust problem detection. Emacs-27.1 and its built-in Org version is assumed below.

Since `org-assert-version' has effect in compiled files only, we need some file with minimal dependencies that certainly will be compiled. It might be org-assert-version.el itself. However then it be required always rather than wrapped into `eval-when-compile' and should have (org-assert-version) call inside.

However, I am concerned about what is going to happen if wrong
org-version is defined during compilation. `org-assert-version' can
then be compiled with wrong org-version value and later produce similar
obscure error.

If an old Org version is not loaded then the warning appears, so the assertion works. A couple of issues: - it does not suggest messed version compilation (reinstalling or removing *.elc files and recompiling) - due to long text just last paragraph about straight may be visible to the user. Perhaps it is better to expand https://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#mixed-install and use a more concise message with this link.

I have tried the following:
- move `org-assert-version' definition to org-assert-version.el, add (org-assert-version) call to this file to have at least one file compiled. - add (require 'org-assert-version) before (org-assert-version) to other files.

The warning appears unless built-in Org is loaded before adding new version to `load-path'. So we may proceed this way.

Some details concerning compilation errors in the case of Emacs-27.1 and Org main:

- org.el is compiled (to my surprise)
- most of libraries not loaded before compilation, e.g. all ox-*.el files fails.

The reason is that they require org-elemnt that requires org-persist. The latter fails to call `org-file-name-concat' (that is missed in loaded org-compat) and breaks creation of the .elc file.

Finally, there is a way to not have org-assert-version.el loaded during regular sessions. Most of elisp files should have

(eval-when-compile (require 'org-assert-version))

It should ensure latest `org-assert-version' definition during installing of a new Org version. The issue is that compilation of arbitrary file may fail and I am unsure if it is reasonable to introduce another file to ensure compiled variant and to require it everywehere

(eval-when-compile (require 'org-assert-version))
(require 'org-assert-version-call)

with org-assert-version-call.el

(eval-when-compile (require 'org-assert-version))
(provide 'org-assert-version-call)

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