On 5 January 2023, David Masterson wrote:

With the Org files that you create, how many levels of headers do you
use?  I use Org for personal task management mostly, but I'd like to
produce good PDFs to give to my wife (Org is too complicated).  My
problem is that I'll structure my documents with many (5+) header
levels with tasks at the bottom.  The problem is that the 'article' and
'report' document classes used by Org don't look right if you go beyond
3 levels -- if you know what I mean.  (NOTE: LaTeX newbie)

By default the first three levels go to LaTeX headings, and then after that they become lists. You can change that with the H option in a header, as described here, to set org-export-headline-levels:


So you could say:

#+options: H:5

Level four headings become paragraphs, and level five become subparagraphs.

With that in place, you might like how the titlesec package can give a great deal of control over section headings. I use this for some reports---it wraps text around level three headings, which about as far as I usually go for documents I export.

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[]{titlesec}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \titleformat{\section} {\centering\Large}{\thesection}{}{}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \titleformat{\subsubsection}[drop]{\itshape}{\thesection}{}{}{}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0.75in}{\baselineskip}{0.5in}


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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