* Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> [2023-01-07 12:04]:
> > The Concept and More Ideas:
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > 1. You can create derived mode, for example Org derived mode.
> This has pros and cons. Org derived mode means that personal
> customization, including key bindings and themes, may affect menus. This
> may or may not be desired.

OK so to be constructive, you have to start somewhere.

Question is:

1. Do you want Org Export menus to appear in non-blocking buffer? So
   far I understood, answer is YES.

2. Then do you want derived buffer? If yes, which one? It is necessary
   as to be able to assign key bindings that work only in such
   buffer. My recommendation is that it is derived from org-mode.

   I can't see how personal customization affects the buffer look. The
   theme or Org themes if such exist may affect it, so what? That was
   choice of the user. Emacs themes anyway affect the current org
   export buffer.

   Those are very minor issue, decide if you wish derived mode, and
   make definition for it.

> > 2. You can create key bindings freely for that derived mode.
> +1

Then make list of what is always to be there and with which key

I would say make a package that is separate from Org so that it can be
add-on for some time, until people can test it.

Once there is list of options which always must be there, with key
bindings, then you make functions to display those options.


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