George Mauer <> writes:

> I had a need the other day to execute some typescript in an org document. Now 
> I know that there's an
> ob-typescript package but that doesn't quite work the way I want and expects 
> typescript to be installed
> globally (which runs into a variety of versioning issues).
> There is a better option available with the `npx` program (installed 
> alongside `npm`) which can install a
> package along with its dependencies into a temporary sandbox and run its 
> binaries.
> I rewrote the typescript babel plugin to do this and then realized that there 
> was relatively little in it
> beyond variable and function names that was typescript-specific. The exact 
> same process can be used for
> anything that has an interpreter up on npm. Coffeescript, mermaidjs, all 
> sorts of things.
> So I made a macro. I'm interested what people here think: 

This looks interesting and could have some great potential. As you say,
tehre is a growing class of languages which could be supported using
this method. I'm interested in trying out the nbb package (Clojurescript
on node) using this method, but right now, no time.

Really just wanted to give feedbac as I noticed nobody else responded
and didn't want to give the impression there was no interest.

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