* Richard Stallman <r...@gnu.org> [2023-01-25 07:32]:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > > Would someone please tell me more concretely what kind of "support"
>   > > this is?
>   > You can find interactive support in `sql' library, functions such as:
>   > M-x sql-oracle 
>   > which supports proprietary Oracle Database:
> This raises two questions.
> 1. For this purpose, what kind of thing is "the Oracle Database"?
> a. A library to link with?
> b. A program to run in a subprocess?

It is program that runs in a subprocess.

> c. A server running SaaSS?

Theoretically it could be as access may be network based. 

But according to my knowledge this product is proprietary and may be
downloaded and run on users' computer or network computers.

> 2. How does Emacs communicate with that thing?
> a. By function calls within a process?


> b. Via shared memory?
> c. Via a pty or pipe?
> d. Via sockets?

By invoking proprietary program named "sqlplus" which function is
defined in library "sql.el" and by using comint-mode

(defcustom sql-oracle-program "sqlplus"
  "Command to start sqlplus by Oracle.

Starts `sql-interactive-mode' after doing some setup.

On Windows, \"sqlplus\" usually starts the sqlplus \"GUI\".  In order
to start the sqlplus console, use \"plus33\" or something similar.
You will find the file in your Orant\\bin directory."
  :type 'file)


Major mode for interacting with an inferior interpreter.
Interpreter name is same as buffer name, sans the asterisks.
Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
Setting variable ‘comint-eol-on-send’ means jump to the end of the line
before submitting new input.

This mode is customized to create major modes such as Inferior Lisp
mode, Shell mode, etc.  This can be done by setting the hoo

In my opinion Emacs should not be invoking proprietary programs, and
distributing sql.el with Emacs opposes the principle of not
recommending proprietary software.

By having functions to run proprietary software from within Emacs we
are advertising proprietary software.


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