Bastien Guerry <> writes:

> Hi Ihor,
> Ihor Radchenko <> writes:
>> I have recently been contacted by the current compat.el maintainer
>> asking if we are willing to adapt compat.el in Org.
> Very nice!
>> WDYT?
> As long as we keep our promise in terms of backward compatibility with
> older Emacs versions, I'm all for it.

I would agree. I would also add that even with the use of this package,
I don't think we should use it to increase the number of versions we
support as support is not as simple as dropping in a compatibility
library. These libraries come with a cost. Often, compatibility code
does not perform as well and/or is much more complicated and more likely
to have bugs. The more a version of emacs needs to rely on this library
to run org-mode, the higher the likelihood performance will be degraded
or unexpected new bugs are found.

So, use the library, but keep the existing policy of officially
supporting only the previous two major releases. If org does work with
even older versions, that is great, but not supported.

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