On 28/01/2023 01:15, Bruno Barbier wrote:

If Message-ID still can be decoded from cb_thinderlink URIs than it
should be possible adapt orco to handle such links as well.

I'm using plain Message-IDs to identify my emails, and, when choosing an
email client, that's really the first feature that I'm checking.

In Thunderbird, in the cb_thunderlink config (v 1.6.0), I'm using a link format
that is compatible with the old thunderlink extension:

      [[email:$msgid$][$author_name$: $subject$ ($date_iso$)]]

Notice that you can use mid:$msgid$ instead of email:$msgid$.

    thunderbird 'mid:tqr8et$mrc$1...@ciao.gmane.io'

opens the message in a new tab or a new window. Sometimes separate tab is inconvenient, but context menu has "show message in containing folder" item. ESR releases 91 and 102 support it out of the box. Whether thunderbird.desktop contains "x-scheme-handler/mid;" in the MimeType parameter (and so desktop-wide integration out of the box) depends on particular Linux distribution. For emacs it means that (browse-url "mid:tqr8et$mrc$1...@ciao.gmane.io") should just work.

To open a message whose "Message-ID" is 'message-id', org just
requests my operating system to open a link like:

      (concat "thunderlink://messageid=" message-id)

This approach can be used with "mid:" scheme for links in Org files as well.

It looks like thunderbird allows to search for Message-ID (see

and there is no warning about using it. I'm guessing that cb_thunderlink
is using this.

There was a lag between thunderbird-78 and some later version when there was no easy access to Message-ID header in add-on API. Likely it is a reason why cb_thunderlink has a warning that such links might be broken in future. I have not checked if standard API or custom low level code is currently used in cb_thuderlink for lookup by Message-ID.

In orco standard messages.query() is used to search for Message-IDs extracted from links, e.g. https://list.orgmode.org/t7q766$m5k$1...@ciao.gmane.io It is convenient to see message subject and date without leaving thunderbird. The main point of orco is opposite mapping. It makes possible to open in emacs the location in file that has link to current mail message.

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