On 01/02/2023 20:15, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
+(defcustom org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name
+  (if (executable-find "jc-idle-time")
+      "jc-idle-time")
+  "Name of the program which prints idle time in milliseconds.

May I know where "jc-idle-time" is coming from? Is it a built-in command
on wayland?

During discussion in the later thread

Julien Cubizolles to emacs-orgmode. org-x11idle-exists-p with emacs --daemon. Fri, 28 Oct 2022 00:31:23 +0200. https://list.orgmode.org/871qqs6gqs....@free.fr

I noticed a suggestion to use a d-bus method, unfortunately it is Gnome-specific

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor /org/gnome/Mutter/IdleMonitor/Core org.gnome.Mutter.IdleMonitor.GetIdletime

Another interface likely may give not really reliable results:

org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver GetSessionIdleTime

Stephan Kulow. screensaver dbus interfaces. Mon Mar 5 05:16:39 PST 2007

Unsure if some workaround like in xprintidle should be used on this way:
 * Workaround: Check if if XServer is in a dpms state, check the
 *             current timeout for this state and add this value to
 *             the current idle time and return.

+(defvar org-pgtkidle-exists-p
+  ;; Check that org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name exists.  But don't do that on 
+  ;; since the command definitely does NOT exist there, and invoking
+  ;; COMMAND.COM on MS-Windows is a bad idea -- it hangs.
+  (and (null (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos)))
+       (eq 0 (call-process-shell-command
+              (format "command -v %s" org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name)))
+       ;; Check that x11idle can retrieve the idle time
+       ;; FIXME: Why "..-shell-command" rather than just `call-process'?
+       (eq 0 (call-process-shell-command org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name))))

We may as well resolve this FIXME since we are at it.
Instead of the awkward combination of two `call-process-shell-command'
prompts, we can simply use `executable-find' + `call-process'.

Is there a reasonable way to avoid code duplication? I agree that `executable-find' may be better since `org-clock-pgtkidle-program-name' might contain spaces or shell specials causing issues with current code.

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