On 2023-02-17, Bruno Barbier wrote:

> Here is a way to reproduce that doesn't use org, in case it might help
> to manully fix your encoding issue:
>    (with-temp-buffer
>       (insert "Lechtenb\303\266rger")
>       (let ((buffer-file-name (make-temp-file "mailtest")))
>         (save-buffer)))
> Does it work with your old config (with your old org) ?

This also asks for an encoding.

> What kind of failure do you get elsewhere if you let Emacs use the
> correct encoding (i.e. if you use `insert-file-contents') ?

I want to be sure to use the file contents in unchanged form, as
promised by insert-file-contents-literally.  For now, I copied part
of the code from insert-file-contents-literally to avoid
after-insert processing and file handlers.  I still do not
understand what is happening differently in my case, though...

Best wishes

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