Max Nikulin <> writes:

> On 07/04/2023 22:29, Vladimir Alexiev wrote:
>> It's not about the tooltip in HTML:
>> figure captions are very important in scholarly publishing.
> I see and I do not like that Org exports caption as title (tooltip). On 
> the other hand neither original markdown nor GitHub flavored markdown 
> have notion of figure caption. Pandoc extension has the issue with 
> duplicated text in caption and alt. I have seen mention of <figcaption> 
> block in commonmark, but I have never tried it.
> MarkDown is rather basic format and the closest approach it a paragraph 
> below an image despite they are not grouped into figure.
>      ![](fig.jpg)
>      Figure 1. Caption

In theory, we can directly use <figcaption> HTML tags + direct HTML in
the MD export. That will be actually the closest way. But direct HTML is
not well-received when using the MD in practice. For example, sourcehut,
GitHub, and Reddit do not allow arbitrary html fragments when rendering

> A workaround for Org is export snippet or block for the paragraph with 
> caption
> #+md: Figure 1. Caption

A better workaround is a custom filter, or we may provide a
customization, if someone offers a patch.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
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