For example, I have Org content like this:

#+begin_src org
,* TODO Refrigerator
DEADLINE: <2023-04-06 Thu>
:ID:       e1824d15-35cb-4105-a617-5f7ecd6a1049

I press [C-c C-z] `org-add-note` to add logbook note. It will open a new
temporary buffer. I want to execute command [C-c C-a m] `org-attach-mv`
to attach a file. But it will prompt me for org-attach directory. I
think commands like `org-add-note`, `org-clock` add log, `org-todo`
change TODO state add log, etc should auto inherit this org-attach
directory. So that user can do `org-attach` in the temporary log buffer.



[ stardiviner ]
I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express without 

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