Hello, I just noticed that adding a local bibliography for use by the biblatex cite processor gets exported to latex as an absolute path.

`#+bibliography: main.bib`  exports to `\addbibresource{/home/me/etc/main.bib}`

I would like a setting to allow this to be a relative path if possible.

I usually generate a local bibliography when creating a manuscript repository intended to share. I'd rather have the local bib be defined relative to the main file in that case.

looking at `oc.el` I see no way to make this setting. but I image it'd be popular.


(defun org-cite-list-bibliography-files ()
  "List all bibliography files defined in the buffer."
   (append (mapcar (lambda (value)
             (pcase value
               (`(,f . ,d)
                        (expand-file-name (org-strip-quotes f) d))))
           (pcase (org-collect-keywords
                           '("BIBLIOGRAPHY") nil '("BIBLIOGRAPHY"))
             (`(("BIBLIOGRAPHY" . ,pairs)) pairs)))

I'll have to learn elisp soon. Thanks for maintaining my favorite tools! Best,


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