On 20/05/2023 22:01, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> You can try to bisect your config to identify which part is triggering
> the problem. See
> https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87ee2nlslt.fsf@localhost/ and
> https://github.com/Malabarba/elisp-bug-hunter

I have "bisected" init.el to no avail, the problem remains.
Then I started doing the same with the org file and I was able to
reproduce the problem with the following minimal file:


;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#+TODO: WAIT(w) TODO(t) DELG(d) | DONE(x)
#+STARTUP: show2levels hidestars nologrepeat
#+ARCHIVE: %s_archive::
** Regulars
*** TODO [#C] -- Empty CAP.org/CAPTURE
     SCHEDULED: <2023-05-26 Fri ++1w>
** Cap-X
** WAIT hello
** DONE read "acceptable use"
    DEADLINE: <2023-05-19 Fri>


I am also posting my init.el here, just in case anybody can spot
anything problematic.

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