Sergei Kosyrev <> writes:

> Fair enough -- I'm open to sign the FSF copyright assignment.

Thanks for your interest to contribute to Org mode!
See for the
details how to get started with FSF copyright assignment.

FSF generally replies within 5 working days. If not, let us know.

> +#+BEGIN_src org
> +#+TBLFM: $2='(identity remote(file:./,@@#$Value))
> +#+END_src

Would it not be more reasonable to allow generic file links here? Like
in 4.4 External Links section of the manual:

             ‘ words’ (text search)(1)
             ‘*task title’ (headline search)
             ‘’ (headline search)

> +(defun org-id-parse-remote-table-ref (refstr)
> +  (save-match-data
> +    (when-let* ((match (string-match "^file:\\([^:]+\\)\\(\\|:.+\\)$" 
> refstr))
> +                (m1 (match-string 1 refstr))
> +                (m2 (match-string 2 refstr))
> +                (filename (cl-remove-if (lambda (c) (member c '(40 41)))
> +                                        (org-table-formula-substitute-names 
> m1)))
> +                (table-name (org-table-formula-substitute-names m2)))
> +      (list filename table-name))))

The format of file:... has nothing at all to do with org-id.el library.
You should instead modify how org-table.el parses remote references
instead of abusing ID resolution mechanisms.

> +                             (let* ((ident (cl-subseq table-id 1))
> +                                    (id-match (search-forward (concat 
> "#+NAME: " ident) nil t)))
> +                               (unless id-match
> +                                 (error "org-id-find-remote: file \"%s\" has 
> no table with NAME \"%s\"." file ident))

Be aware that not all the things with #+NAME in Org files are tables.
You can use `org-element-at-point' to check element type you are looking at.

> -       org-table-column-names org-table-column-name-regexp
> +          org-table-column-names (org-table-column-name-regexp 
> org-table-column-name-regexp)

I fail to see the reason behind this change. May you explain why you had
to protect the global value here?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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