This happens in worg at:

The documentation for lesser blocks[1] states:
> Lines beginning with an asterisk or `#+` must be quoted by a comma (`,*`, 
> `,#+`).

However, the following test document parses as a lesser block despite 
containing a line starting with an unescaped #+:
#+begin_src text

which parses as:
  [1 1 1 60 60 0 nil org-data nil nil nil 3 60 nil #<buffer *scratch*> nil nil 
  :path nil :CATEGORY "foo")
   [1 1 1 60 60 0 nil first-section nil nil nil 1 60 nil #<buffer *scratch*> 
nil nil #0])
    [1 1 nil nil 17 0 nil top-comment nil nil nil nil nil nil #<buffer 
*scratch*> nil nil #1]
    :key "CATEGORY" :value "foo"))
    [17 17 nil nil 60 0 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil #<buffer *scratch*> nil 
nil #1]
    :language "text" :switches nil :parameters nil :number-lines nil 
:preserve-indent nil :retain-labels t :use-labels t :label-fmt nil :value 
"#+CATEGORY: bar\n"))))

whereas I would expect this to be
  (keyword :key "CATEGORY" :value "foo")
  (paragraph "#+begin_src text")
  (keyword :key "CATEGORY" :value "bar")
  (paragraph "#+end_src")

This test document shows that lines with an unescaped "*" do break up the 
lesser block:
* foo
#+begin_src text
* bar


Tom Alexander

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