
> We aim to reduce config-dependent Org syntax in the long term.

Thats wonderful news! Sometimes this stuff can really surprise you. For 
example, the structure of the document created by running `echo "1. foo\n\n        1.baz\n\t1.lorem"` changes based on the user's **tab-width**!!

If tab-width is less than 8 then this is:
1. foo
  1. bar
    1. baz
  2. lorem

If tab-width is 8 then this is:
1. foo
  1. bar
    1. baz
    2. lorem

and if tab-width is greater than 8 this is:
1. foo
  1. bar
    1. baz
      1. lorem

Absolute madness! I always considered tab-width to be a personal aesthetic 
choice and not something that would functionally change how documents other 
people wrote will be parsed.

Idk if its been discussed, but personally if I were given dictatorship over 
org-mode I would take all of these emacs variables that are defined outside of 
the document, and instead of having them influence org-mode directly, I would 
*only* use them to pre-populate values for in-buffer settings templates.

For example, if a user had set `org-odd-levels-only` then I wouldn't have that 
impact ANY existing document they open, but if they open a new document then I 
would have it auto-insert `#+STARTUP: odd` at the top of the fresh document.

Otherwise it seems like org-mode is unsuitable for multi-person collaboration 
without dictating the contents of everyone's `.emacs` file.

Tom Alexander

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