On Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 at 19:19, Bruno Cardoso <cardoso...@gmail.com> 

> For me this improved the situation a bit, but I still get significant 
> slow-downs as before.
> I don't know if it is related, but if I set a property (C-c C-x p) in a new 
> heading with no drawers, I'm unable to unfold the newly created drawer (TAB 
> over it does nothing), although I am able to fold/unfold other already 
> existent drawers as expected. 

I don't have that problem, if I understand your description right, but like you 
Ihor's tweak didn't get things back to normal for me.  I'm now using Emacs from 
the development tree and its Org (which doesn't yet have commit 
5d186b499dde97f5 from 25 February) and it's back to normal for now.

Could it be something our systems or configurations have in common, Bruno?  My 
Org configuration is here, if you want to compare:


Thanks for looking at this problem, Ihor.  If there's anything else to try, 
I'll try it.


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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