Hi Carsten,

On 2009-08-04, Carsten Dominik <domi...@uva.nl> wrote:
> When archiving a task, the cursor now ends up on the next
> headline, so the repeated application of the archiving
> command will archive successive tasks.

This is strange.  My recollection is that something like this already
happened, if not recently, then in a previous release of org.  If you
archived a task, then point would be at the beginning of the next
headline.  I had this:

  ;;archiving moves point to the next entry.  however, mapping moves point
  ;;/after/ running this.
  ;;it does some kind of save-excursion thing.  try running this on 2
  ;;sequential entries that need archiving without the continue from thing
  ;;below.  it will skip over the second even if you manually move to the
  ;;previous entry.  see org-map-continue-from.
  (when (alpha-org-expired-p)
    (message "want to expire %s" (org-get-heading))
    (when t
      ;;we have to move back.  carsten very kindly added this feature for me.
      ;;beware loops and skips.
      (setq org-map-continue-from (point)))))

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