Earlier, a single PR for supporting babel parameters was invaluable insight
into current features.  I don't use org mode in every way that everyone
uses org mode.  Different perspectives help.

I have compiled a list of everything I believe belongs in version 1.0:

Adding macro playback support:
This is of particular interest.  Along with babel, it's another
does-everything-Emacs-can-do feature.  It is a feature so dslide that
dslide cannot be dslide without it.  How do we want it to work?  What
should it build on top of?

The markup we will arrive at deserves intense focus.  It is a place where
good decisions now pay off later.  Every problem with actions now is a
result of markup and babel parameter choices I hadn't considered because I
don't use org that way.

I have gotten some nice views of Busan coming into port from the ocean
while recovering from food poisoning dealt by that same ferry, and I will
take this opportunity to stress the benefit of adding *fresh* hamburgers to
the hamburger jar.

I intend first to bring Master of Ceremonies (mc) onto MELPA.  I can see at
this point which features belong in mc and which ones belong in dslide.
The `mc-focus' command has been extremely beneficial for creating graphics
out of code and will become the focal point of mc's design.

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