I drilled down some issues of org-version 6.30e to

1) with this file content

-*- mode: org -*-
#+STARTUP: overview
* a [100%]
 - [X] b
* x [100%]
 - [X] y

and `C-u C-c #' the checkbox aggregation of the first heading gets hidden but I 
expect it to stay visible. Both values stay at 100% like expected. No new 
message in the Messages buffer.

2) with this file content

-*- mode: org -*-
#+STARTUP: overview
* a [100%]
** DONE b
* x [100%]
** DONE y

and `C-u C-c #' the checkbox aggregation of the first heading gets hidden but I expect it 
to stay visible. Both values change to 0% unlike expected. The Messages buffer shows 
"byte-code: This should not happen".

- Michael

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