timetrap <timet...@gmail.com> writes:

> One of my favorite features in the vim out liner was the ability to
> "hoist" a sparse tree into a new temporary buffer.
> Is there a way to do this in org-mode?

Of course there is. This is emacs. ;) 

Use C-x n s to narrow to the current subtree.

Use C-x n w to go back to the whole buffer (widen).

Use C-c x b to create a new buffer containing only the current subtree.

See http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.php#indirect-buffers

Note: I can't recall if the vim outliner's "hoisting" includes
temporarily/artificially "raising" the headline level/indentation of the
narrowed subtree. Org-mode does not do this (and intentionally so).


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