"Nagarjuna G." <nagar...@gnowledge.org> writes:

> org offers multiple ways of solving problems.  worg, blorg, and
> Manoj's perl script, and I am sure there will be others.  I am  now
> thinking on the following idea:
> Using the new features (babel) added in the fresh release of org, it
> is indeed possible to provide a minor mode in gnowsys-mode (see the
> other thread posted on 30th October) to publish the notes with
> relations and attributes (tagging, categorizing) etc.  in Plone
> (gnowsys currently uses Zope/Plone for webservices).
> It is high time that we should work on a emacs-engine (as a
> webservice) that performs elisp functions so that several of the org
> functions can be used independently.  This will proliferate org's use
> beyond imagination.

I started down this path some months ago and generated the following as
a sort of tentative exploration


which makes use of


and httpd.el at http://emarsden.chez.com/downloads/

It is certainly possible to go further...

> Doesn't such an emacs-engine already exist?  Couldn't we use emacs in
> batchmode to achieve this?  Any guidance is welcome.

it is currently possible to hand single elisp statements to Emacs in
batch mode, however startup time (starting Emacs, loading all elisp
files, and implementing any .emacs customization) is an issue.  To the
best of my knowledge there is nothing like an elisp REPL currently
implemented, although it would be possible and there has been scattered
discussion on this topic

Best -- Eric

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