Hi All,

In a similar way to  [1],  I want to import my Outlook appointments into
Org. I thought of a less sophisticated way to archive this using Org Babel.
I coded a Ruby script to "print out"  the Appointments in Org Format so I
can see them in the agenda view.  I execute the code using the ":results
output" header option to get the output from the ruby script (check the
script below).

Now, the only problem is that the output of the script is always surrounded
by  #+begin_example and #+end_example. I was wondering if there is a way to
prevent this. What I want is  the text lines to be put on the Org buffer so
Org can interpret them as headlines.

Also, I tried to get the output using a vector (value mode), but for some
reason I was getting "End of File During Parsing" message when executing the
script. I think it has to be with some characters in the Subject properties
of the Outlook appointments.

Any help will be really appreciated.

[1] http://osdir.com/ml/emacs-orgmode-gnu/2009-04/msg00264.html


#+begin_src ruby :results output
  require 'win32ole'

  def to_org_date(otStr)
    "<%s>" % otStr.gsub("/","-")

  def to_org_interval(start,endd)

  outlook = WIN32OLE.new('Outlook.Application')

  mapi = outlook.GetNameSpace('MAPI')
  calendar = mapi.GetDefaultFolder(9)
  calendar.Items.each do |appt|
    puts "** #{appt.Subject}\n #{to_org_interval(appt.Start,appt.End)} "


Miguel Fernando Cabrera Granados
"A los hombres fuertes les pasa lo que a los barriletes; se elevan cuando es
mayor el viento que se opone a su ascenso." - José Ingenieros
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