Minor correction and new error messages.

The process filter error message was probably due to not running the
fireforg things in .emacs.  I had commented them out because they take
several minutes to load the links in org-agenda-files, and when I
restarted emacs to try to get fireforg to work, they didn't get run.

Here are new error messages.

error in process filter: org-protocol-unhex-compound: Invalid
character: 8211, #o20023, #x2013
error in process filter: Invalid character: 8211, #o20023, #x2013

On 2009-10-23, Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 01:12, Andreas Burtzlaff <and...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> I will add an entry to the tab context menu tonight to do this in one
>> step.
> Thanks, kind of you.
>> Concerning syncing I'm not sure I get your plan entirely. Is the main
>> purpose of it to synchronize the tabs between different browsers?
> Yes, that would be nice.  Also, you don't want to save a
> duplicate of the same tab.
> It might be useful to have more than one remember template:
> one for saving all tabs and one for saving one tab.  Another
> idea is to have a button on the status line that you can
> left click on to remember one tab.
> Apparent bugs and suggestions follow.  (Others not
> developing Fireforg need not read.)
> ===
> There was a setting that I didn't understand having to do
> with using DOI.  Perhaps how this works can be explained.
> Does it use the net?  You might want to mention that it
> stands for digital object identifier.
> I had to change head -1 to head -n 1 in the pull script to
> fix an error in head.  head is /sw/bin/head, perhaps from
> some fink or macports package.
> Perhaps the error messages in emacs and ff can explain what
> you need to do to fix them.  Also, perhaps common
> non-working states can be checked for.  That would make it
> easier.
> I used your suggested template:
>   ("fireforg" ?w  "* %:description \n %:link %!")
> Sometimes, nothing happens.  Other times, emacs opens a
> buffer that is blank.  It expects you to do c-x # to finish
> the buffer.  Currently nothing is happening, so I can't
> describe that one more fully.
> At one point I got this error message.
>   error in process filter: Setting current directory: no such
>   file or directory,
>   /Users/.../fireforg/org-protocol:/remember:/http%3A%2F%2F...
> It might be nice to document whether any of the options will
> slow Firefox or Emacs down.  (Even if none of them do.)
> I noticed that the Read It Later extension no longer has a
> button.  Might be a coincidence.
> Perhaps giving git instructions would make it easier to dl
> the .sh, .xpi, and .el all at once.  "git clone
> http://repo.or.cz/w/org-fireforg.git"; did not work.
> (Something about corruption; I don't have the output now.)
> That is all the bug reporting I can do.  I will have to stop
> trying to get Fireforg to work.  I cannot make further
> attempts as debugging requires far too much physical use of
> keyboard and mouse.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 17:00, Andreas Burtzlaff <and...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 Oct 2009 10:12:42 +0200
>> Andreas Burtzlaff <and...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 20:40:54 -0700
>>> Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > I have a huge number of Firefox tabs that I want to get into
>>> > org.  Figuring out how has gotten complicated, despite good
>>> > documentation out there.
>>> >
>>> > I want simply title and url for each tab.
>>> >
>>> > Maybe like this:
>>> >
>>> >   * Firefox tabs
>>> >     * Public Git Hosting - Worg.git/summary
>>> >   http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git
>>> >     * Google Search
>>> >   http://www.google.com
>>> >
>>> > Would be nice to get fancier by allowing annotations (for
>>> > use by fireforg?).  And allowing syncing back and forth.
>>> > But first, I just want to get started.
>>> >
>>> > I envision two ways of doing this.  Maybe there are more.
>>> >
>>> >   1) Have emacs or a script convert one of the folders in
>>> >      the bookmark file to an org outline as above.
>>> >   2) Have org-mac-protocol set up for individual tabs to be
>>> >      clicked to get them remembered.
>>> >
>>> > If I do (2), then I'd want it to be easy.  That is, without
>>> > having to switch from mouse to keyboard.  But does (2) work
>>> > on a Mac?  Last I heard, org-mac-protocol works for Safari,
>>> > but not Firefox.
>>> Fireforg has a workaround for Macs:
>>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-devel.php#sec-1.2.6
>>> So you could select the tabs one after another and trigger remember
>>> from the Fireforg status bar menu. (This menu is accessible by right
>>> clicking on the status bar entry.)
>>> I will add an entry to the tab context menu tonight to do this in one
>>> step.
>> With the latest version it is possible to pass all tabs to remember
>> by selecting "All tabs"-> "remember (..)" in the status bar menu.
>> This only makes sense when using a remember template that stores the
>> note automatically ("%!" in the template string).
>> Your proposed format would be:
>> "* %:description \n %:link %!"
>> If the mac workaround is enabled and the latest version of pull.sh is
>> used, then
>> this should also work on a Mac.
>> Andreas
>>> Concerning syncing I'm not sure I get your plan entirely. Is the main
>>> purpose of it to synchronize the tabs between different browsers?
>>> Andreas
>>> > Ideas very welcome.  I am stuck here.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > P.S.  I /also/ have a huge number of Safari tabs and a huge
>>> > number of emacs-w3m tabs.  I've found those also difficult
>>> > to orgify.  So ideas here are also welcome.  But Firefox is
>>> > more important now.
>>> >
>>> >
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