On Oct 29, 2009, at 8:56 PM, Harald Weis wrote:

But I still think it could be advantageous to do the whole lot within
the org-agenda-custom-commands variable if the match would be evaluated
before getting used.

Well, we can try and see if it breaks something.  The latest git version
now does evaluate it, but I have not yet introduced this into the
customize type - so you need to set the command list in Lisp for the
time being.

- Carsten

Thank you very much indeed.
Harald Weis

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 03:36:42PM +0200, Carsten Dominik wrote:
Well, I guess I could evaluate match before it gets used.  But maybe
you can also turn this around:  Dinfe a function what will call the
tree maker directly

(defun my-tree (match)
 (interactive "s")
 (org-match-sparse-tree nil (concat "{" match "}")))

or something like this....

- Carsten

On Oct 18, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Harald Weis wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to define one entry of the org-agenda-custom-commands
variable like so:
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   '(("i" "item" tags-tree
             (remedy-build-tags-tree-regex "item"))))

where ''item'' is the property key and
where the remedy-build-tags-tree-regex function is defined as follows:

(defun remedy-build-tags-tree-regex (propkey)
   (concat propkey
          (read-from-minibuffer (concat propkey " : "))

This would allow me to select the property value interactively.

The org-make-tags-matcher function does not appreciate.
''C-c a'' yields
i       item    : set of 2 commands

Selecting ''i'' produces the following error message in the
Wrong type argument: stringp, (remedy-build-tags-tree-regex "item")

Is there a way to get the desired functionality?

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- Carsten

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