
Recently org (from git) has started asking my questions about open clocks
in my tasks whenever I try to clock in on a task. While I appreciate it
doing maintenance, the question whether I want to "(k)eep, (c)ancel, or
(s)ubtract" comes at a moment where it is hardwired
into my brain to press C-x C-s, which cancels the question.

(I do C-c i to clock in from buffer, or I to clock in from agenda view.
The corresponding entry is then automatically logged into my diary.org file,
which I then save.)

Maybe it's my hook:

;;; A small function to insert the currently active task into the
;;; current buffer, ported from planner-log
 (defun org-log ()
    (let ((link-string (org-store-link nil)))
     (find-file tagebuch)
     (goto-char (point-max))
     (insert " - ")
     (insert link-string)
     (newline t))))

 (defadvice org-clock-in (after org-log-activity)
 (ad-activate 'org-clock-in)

The variable `tagebuch' contains the name of the logfile.

Can I simply turn off that question and call it manually from time to time?
        Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs <frie...@nomaden.org>
                             TauPan on Ircnet and Freenode ;)

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