On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:53 PM, sumeet pareek wrote:
> @Manish: Thanks for the reply. Emacs caught my attention this weekend when I
> saw a Google tech talk about org-mode. And I decided to give it a try.
> 1. Was able to install it very easily on ubuntu (but I use windows at work)
> 2. Was initially clueless on how to get emacs to run on windows but am now
> running ver.GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) (It comes with org-mode
> built in :)
> 3. Spend the last hour playing around with org-mode. Loved it.

:) Welcome.

> ..And now I am hell bent to shift to emacs as my primary editor of choice.
> The first step of which would be to use it (org-mode) for my todos. Once I
> am pretty okay working with my TODOs I shall try other things like syncing
> it with google calendar et al.

You might find it to be a lot like the famous rabbit hole that goes
way deeper than you first thought..

You picked up Emacs pretty fast (I took months and still know only a
few things) but you still might find this useful.

And for Org mode: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/index.php

Interestingly, with Org mode you first use it to figure out the way
you work and then you use it to achieve "mind like water".

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