Hi Henry,

Try pressing C-c C-c with the cursor on your ditaa block.  If an image
is generated and a link inserted into the file, but you're still not
getting an image on export then try making the following change (adding
an exports header argument) to your block

#+begin_src ditaa :file image.png :cmdline -r :exports results
| cBLU    |
|         |
|    +----+
|    |cPNK|
|    |    |

otherwise you probably don't have org-babel activated in which case

(require 'org-babel-init)

to your .emacs should help.

Best -- Eric

henry atting <nsmp...@online.de> writes:

> What exactly is the proper way to export code with ditaa? My knowledge
> must be fragmentary for only the code is exported but the conversion to
> images failes.
> I did something like this:
> Load the appropriate libs, like org-babel, org-babel-tangle, org-ditaa,
> org-exp-blocks, then set the variable `org-ditaa-jar-path' to the ditaa
> jar file.
> The according lines in my org file look like this:
> #+begin_src ditaa :file image.png :cmdline -r
> +---------+
> | cBLU    |
> |         |
> |    +----+
> |    |cPNK|
> |    |    |
> +----+----+
> #+end_src
> henry

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