Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> On Apr 29, 2010, at 4:51 PM, J. David Boyd wrote:
>> If I do a C-a a, I see my weekly agenda, starting 'today'.
>> Then I can hit 'd', and see today laid out better.   Back to 'w',
>> and I
>> see the weekly agenda again.
>> I can scroll down to tomorrow, hit 'd', and see tomorrow.  But when I
>> hit 'w', I'm back to the week view, but now it starts on tomorrow, and
>> not today.
>> And if I scroll down two days, and hit 'd', then 'w' to come back to
>> the
>> week view, I'm misplaced forward 2 days.
>> Is this a bug, or 'just the way it works'.  I'd never noticed before,
>> but I don't think I had actually tried that.
> looks like you have set org-agenda-start-on-weekday to nil.  The is
> works like you describe.  If you set it to a number, the week will
> always start on that day.
> The problem is that, if you are still in the current week, it might
> make sense to have the week start at today when you switch back to
> week view.  But when you are further away from today, the week view
> must be constructed in a way that the day which was last shown in day
> view is also shown.  Since you have opted to have your week view start
> at whatever weekday is today, Org assumes now that you want a week
> starting on the last shown day.
> Hmmmm.
> I am not sure what would be best here.
> - Carsten

I can live with that.   I only set the agenda to start from the current
day because I didn't really care about seeing days that had already gone

I think what surprised me the most was that, once I went to a specific
day, and then back to week mode, and I started on a different day, was
that I couldn't reset it to what it had previously been without exiting
the agenda and starting over.

I don't consider it a problem, just 'the way it is'.   Now that I know
that is how it works, I can deal with it.   

No, sorry, that's not saying it correctly.   I have no problems
what-so-ever with how it works, I just didn't understand it.

Thanks for a great program!

Dave in Largo, FL

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