Bernt Hansen <> writes:

Hi Bernt,

> I have an IMAP server on my local 100MB/sec network and one of my
> (spam) folders has 148200 messages in it.  If I link to one of those
> messages in Gnus, close Gnus, and access the link from org-mode it
> finds the email in 13 seconds (8 seconds if Gnus is already open which
> is how I normally leave it running)
> If you are accessing your mail server on a slower network then that
> will adversely affect your response times.

No, that shouldn't affect the total time that much, at least in this
case.  It's only one request and one reply that go over the net.  The 5
minutes searching are what really matters, and that's only on the

> Mirroring your mail server with offline imap or some other tool and
> linking to the local mirror might help your access times.

If Sébastien's admins tell him that they cannot get the search faster,
that would be a good investment.  I recommend Dovecot as server and
OfflineIMAP for synchronizing the local with possibly many remote
accounts/servers.  Dovecot has plugins even to do index every mail
completely, and then you can use Gnus' nnir backend to perform searches
for arbitrary text in the mails (including text in the bodies) in nearly
instant time.

But of course, that adds another layer of indirection requiring some
configs.  IMO, when you often rename/create/delete IMAP folders,
OfflineIMAP doesn't do to well, at least in my limited experiences.
It's designed to never ever loose mail (which is surely most important),
but when deleting folders on the local Dovecot using Gnus, the deletion
never propagated to the remote server and the next synchronization
fetched the deleted folder again from the remote side...


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