On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:40 PM, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Sam Cramer <samcra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The situation is one that arguably results from a lack of discipline on my
>> part (hence my interest in org-mode!): I add TODO items to documents I'm
>> writing without much regard as to how they fit into the overall structure of
>> the file.  In other words, my TODOs are generally "one-liners" which are
>> sprinkled with abandon throughout the file.
>> Perhaps as I get more familiar with org-mode I will use TODOs in a more
>> structured way, but right now they are not a structured list of tasks but
>> rather a bunch of reminders distributed through a document.
>> Does that make things clearer?
> It does make things clearer. Perhaps, then, the best solution is to just
> make sure your TODOs have no children, then? Or use the other suggestion for
> inline TODOs?
> In your example, for example, wouldn't this work?
> --------
> * An amazing headline
> ** stuff
> ** more stuff
> ** TODO clean up the stuff above :noexport:
> ** this is stuff that I would like exported
> --------
> The TODO was directed at the stuff above anyway, so it perhaps doesn't need
> to be it's own main headline? The above works perfectly on export for me.

Yes, that works too.  The only caveat is that if I later add a subordinate
item to "more stuff" under the TODO, it won't export.  Org-inlinetask.el or
simply making the TODOs deeply nested without the help of org-inlinetask
should solve that problem.

Thanks again for the help!


> John
>> Sam
>>> John
>>> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Sam Cramer <samcra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> When working on a document, I tend to sprinkle TODO headlines throughout
>>>> the doc.  These are really very loosely structured; they just represent
>>>> things that I need to do somewhat near the area that I'm looking at.
>>>> I mark these lines with a :noexport: tag in order to prevent them from
>>>> being exported.  As such, they're not part of the document structure 
>>>> per-se,
>>>> and I often mark them as top level headlines.  Since EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS
>>>> applies to a tree and not to a title, this prevents the export of any
>>>> subordinate items.
>>>> Here's an example:
>>>> * An amazing headline
>>>> ** stuff
>>>> ** more stuff
>>>> * TODO clean up the stuff above :noexport:
>>>> ** this is stuff that I would like exported
>>>> In the example above, I'd like to have the everything but the TODO
>>>> headline exported, including the "this is stuff I would like exported" 
>>>> line.
>>>> I guess that I could always have my TODO lines be at a very deep level.
>>>>  Is there any other solution I should consider?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sam
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