John Hendy <> writes:

> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 7:29 AM, Anthony Lander <> 
> wrote:
>     If you grabbed the code I wrote, you can export the file, and
>     compile it directly with tj3 using C-c e J, saving a step.
> That would be awesome.

On C-c e j the current exporter just exports to tj2. On C-c e J it opens
the TaskJuggler GUI (which compiles and visualizes). Now for tj3 I would
assume that a corresponding action would be to let tj3 compile the
exported tjp file and open the resulting reports(s), be it in a browser
or a text editor. In theory we would probably need another key binding
to just compile the tjp file. This is similar to the LaTeX exporter
where you can (1) just export, (2) process the exported LaTeX and (3)
open the resulting PDF.

Opening report files (text or html) should be fairly simple using
org-open-file. The hard part is knowing what files to open without
having to parse the report definition to figure out the file names.
Maybe the output of tj3 gives a hint what report files were produced.

>         - swap out the default export with the code below and run "tj3
>         tj3-test.tjp" and get a nice html report!
>         --- If you're looking for a default tj3 export... perhaps
>         start with what's below?
> But note that I have to do some manual steps on the .tjp before
> compiling with tj3. My main issue is defining the report. How do you
> define the report manually in the .org file or elsewhere so that tj3
> doesn't try it on the default tj2 report instead. When I do C-c e J
> currently, I get no output files; essentially it's just a silent fail.

Currently the way to define reports is through the customize variable.
But this is then used for all taskjuggler exports. To support file
specific reports I was thinking that we should use the #+BEGIN_foo
mechanism, i.e. introduce a TaskJuggler blocks with #+BEGIN_TaskJuggler
and #+END_TaskJuggler. These could then be used for example to define
reports. This would require some changes to org-exp.el.

Thoughts? Ideas?
Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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