At Mon, 20 Dec 2010 10:19:21 +0100,
Christian Moe wrote:
> Hi, Erik,
> That's solved it for me. It still does not happen /every/ time I 
> insert a Zotero link that the link is expanded with a full biblio 
> description, but it happens most of the time, and for when it doesn't, 
> `C-c z u' seems to work reliably now.
> (Firefox taxes my old system a bit, and runs with frequent pauses, 
> which may account for my having more trouble communicating with 
> MozRepl than you're seeing. Looking forward to the API.)
> One more issue I see is with Unicode characters. They are preserved 
> when I command-shift-copy a reference from Zotero into an Org buffer 
> (I have current-language-environment set to UTF-8). Org-zotero-mode 
> does not preserve them. I've had a quick look at the code but haven't 
> pinned it down why not.
> I may have some more feedback in a week's time when I've cleared my 
> Christmas deadlines, but for now, thanks for this!

Hi Christian,

Unicode characters seem to work for me, with
current-language-environment set to English or UTF-8. That is,
citations are inserted & updated with the proper characters.

This is Emacs 23.1.1, Firefox 3.6.13, Zotero 2.0.9, all on Ubuntu

best, Erik

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