
I have a patch for this problem which works for me but I'm not sure it's
the correct fix.  Will post the patch following this report.

When I attempt to publish the source for
http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html (a copy of which is at
http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.org) with org-src-fontify-natively set to
t I get the error void-function -mode.

I start a fresh emacs, load the org file and call M-x

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun bh/save-then-publish (&optional force)
  (interactive "P")
  (org-publish-current-project force))

(setq org-publish-project-alist
      ; http://www.norang.ca/  (norang website)
      ; norang-org are the org-files that generate the content
      ; norang-extra are images and css files that need to be included
      ; norang is the top-level project that gets published
      (quote (("norang-org"
               :base-directory "~/git/www.norang.ca"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/www.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :recursive t
               :table-of-contents nil
               :base-extension "org"
               :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
               :style-include-default nil
               :section-numbers nil
               :table-of-contents nil
               :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"norang.css\" 
type=\"text/css\" />"
               :author-info nil
               :creator-info nil)
               :base-directory "~/git/www.norang.ca/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/www.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :base-extension "css\\|pdf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif"
               :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
               :recursive t
               :author nil)
               :components ("norang-org" "norang-extra"))
              ; http://doc.norang.ca/  (norang website)
              ; doc-org are the org-files that generate the content
              ; doc-extra are images and css files that need to be included
              ; doc is the top-level project that gets published
               :base-directory "~/git/doc.norang.ca/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :recursive t
               :section-numbers nil
               :table-of-contents nil
               :base-extension "org"
               :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html 
               :style-include-default nil
               :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" 
type=\"text/css\" />"
               :author-info nil
               :creator-info nil)
               :base-directory "~/git/doc.norang.ca/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :base-extension "css\\|pdf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif"
               :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
               :recursive t
               :author nil)
               :components ("doc-org" "doc-extra"))
              ; Miscellaneous pages for other websites
              ; org are the org-files that generate the content
               :base-directory "~/git/org/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/org"
               :recursive t
               :section-numbers nil
               :table-of-contents nil
               :base-extension "org"
               :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
               :style-include-default nil
               :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" 
type=\"text/css\" />"
               :author-info nil
               :creator-info nil)
              ; http://doc.norang.ca/  (norang website)
              ; org-mode-doc-org this document
              ; org-mode-doc-extra are images and css files that need to be 
              ; org-mode-doc is the top-level project that gets published
              ; This uses the same target directory as the 'doc' project
               :base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :recursive t
               :section-numbers nil
               :table-of-contents nil
               :base-extension "org"
               :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html 
               :plain-source t
               :htmlized-source t
               :style-include-default nil
               :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" 
type=\"text/css\" />"
               :author-info nil
               :creator-info nil)
               :base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/"
               :publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs"
               :base-extension "css\\|pdf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif"
               :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
               :recursive t
               :author nil)
               :components ("org-mode-doc-org" "org-mode-doc-extra"))
              ; http://doc.norang.ca/  (norang website)
              ; org-mode-doc-org this document
              ; org-mode-doc-extra are images and css files that need to be 
              ; org-mode-doc is the top-level project that gets published
              ; This uses the same target directory as the 'doc' project
               :base-directory "/tmp/"
               :recursive t
               :section-numbers nil
               :table-of-contents nil
               :base-extension "org"
               :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html 
               :plain-source t
               :htmlized-source t
               :style-include-default t
               :author-info nil
               :creator-info nil)
               :base-directory "/tmp/"
               :base-extension "png"
               :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
               :recursive t
               :author nil)
               :components ("tmp-org" "tmp-extra")))))

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

This results in the following error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function -mode)
  (if (eq major-mode lang-mode) nil (funcall lang-mode))
  (unless (eq major-mode lang-mode) (funcall lang-mode))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (get-buffer-create ...)) (delete-region 
(point-min) (point-max)) (insert string) (unless (eq major-mode lang-mode) 
(funcall lang-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (setq pos (point-min)) (while 
(setq next ...) (put-text-property ... ... ... ... org-buffer) (setq pos next)))
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat " org-src-fontification:" 
...)) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert string) (unless (eq 
major-mode lang-mode) (funcall lang-mode)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (setq pos 
(point-min)) (while (setq next ...) (put-text-property ... ... ... ... 
org-buffer) (setq pos next)))
  (let* ((lang-mode ...) (string ...) (modified ...) (org-buffer ...) pos next) 
(remove-text-properties start end (quote ...)) (with-current-buffer 
(get-buffer-create ...) (delete-region ... ...) (insert string) (unless ... 
...) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (setq pos ...) (while ... ... ...)) 
(add-text-properties start end (quote ...)) (set-buffer-modified-p modified))
  org-src-font-lock-fontify-block("" 49905 50459)
  (cond ((and lang org-src-fontify-natively) (org-src-font-lock-fontify-block 
lang block-start block-end)) (quoting (add-text-properties beg1 ... ...)) ((not 
org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks)) ((string= block-type "quote") 
(add-text-properties beg1 end1 ...)) ((string= block-type "verse") 
(add-text-properties beg1 end1 ...)))
  (progn (setq end (match-end 0) end1 (1- ...)) (setq block-end 
(match-beginning 0)) (when quoting (remove-text-properties beg end ...)) 
(add-text-properties beg end (quote ...)) (add-text-properties beg beg1 (quote 
...)) (add-text-properties end1 (+ end 1) (quote ...)) (cond (... ...) (quoting 
...) (...) (... ...) (... ...)) t)
  (if (re-search-forward (concat "^[    ]*#\\+end" ... "\\>.*") nil t) (progn 
(setq end ... end1 ...) (setq block-end ...) (when quoting ...) 
(add-text-properties beg end ...) (add-text-properties beg beg1 ...) 
(add-text-properties end1 ... ...) (cond ... ... ... ... ...) t))
  (when (re-search-forward (concat "^[  ]*#\\+end" ... "\\>.*") nil t) (setq 
end (match-end 0) end1 (1- ...)) (setq block-end (match-beginning 0)) (when 
quoting (remove-text-properties beg end ...)) (add-text-properties beg end 
(quote ...)) (add-text-properties beg beg1 (quote ...)) (add-text-properties 
end1 (+ end 1) (quote ...)) (cond (... ...) (quoting ...) (...) (... ...) (... 
...)) t)
  (cond ((member dc1 ...) (org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in ... ...) 
(remove-text-properties ... ... ...) (add-text-properties ... ... ...) 
(add-text-properties ... ... ...) t) ((and ... ...) (setq block-type ... 
quoting ...) (when ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... t)) ((member dc1 ...) 
(add-text-properties beg ... ...) (add-text-properties ... ... ...)) ((not ...) 
(add-text-properties beg ... ...) t) ((or ... ...) (add-text-properties beg ... 
...) t) ((member dc3 ...) (add-text-properties beg ... ...)) (t nil))
  (let ((beg ...) (block-start ...) (block-end nil) (lang ...) (beg1 ...) (dc1 
...) (dc3 ...) end end1 quoting block-type) (cond (... ... ... ... ... t) (... 
... ...) (... ... ...) (... ... t) (... ... t) (... ...) (t nil)))
  (if (re-search-forward "^\\([         ]*#\\+\\(\\([a-zA-Z]+:?\\| 
\\|$\\)\\(_\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)\\)?\\)[   ]*\\(\\([^      \n]*\\)[        
]*\\(.*\\)\\)\\)" limit t) (let (... ... ... ... ... ... ... end end1 quoting 
block-type) (cond ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
  (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (re-search-forward "^\\([     
]*#\\+\\(\\([a-zA-Z]+:?\\| \\|$\\)\\(_\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)\\)?\\)[   ]*\\(\\([^      
\n]*\\)[        ]*\\(.*\\)\\)\\)" limit t) (let ... ...)))
  font-lock-fontify-keywords-region(1 157030 nil)
  font-lock-default-fontify-region(1 157030 nil)
  ad-Orig-font-lock-fontify-region(1 157030 nil)
  (setq ad-return-value (ad-Orig-font-lock-fontify-region beg end loudly))
  (let ((develock-inhibit-advice-font-lock-set-defaults t)) (setq 
ad-return-value (ad-Orig-font-lock-fontify-region beg end loudly)))
  (let (ad-return-value) (let (...) (setq ad-return-value ...)) ad-return-value)
  font-lock-fontify-region(1 157030)
  run-hook-with-args(font-lock-fontify-region 1 157030)
  byte-code("\302\303  #\207" [start next run-hook-with-args 
jit-lock-functions] 4)
  jit-lock-fontify-now(1 157030)
  (progn (if (> ... 65536) (message "Forcing fontification of %s..." ...)) 
(jit-lock-fontify-now (point-min) (point-max)) (if (> ... 65536) (message 
"Forcing fontification of %s...done" ...)))
  (htmlize-with-fontify-message (jit-lock-fontify-now (point-min) (point-max)))
  (cond ((and ... ...) (htmlize-with-fontify-message ...)) ((and ... ...) 
(htmlize-with-fontify-message ...)) ((and ... ...) 
(htmlize-with-fontify-message ...)))
  (progn (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...)))
  (if (and (boundp ...) font-lock-mode) (progn (cond ... ... ...)))
  (when (and (boundp ...) font-lock-mode) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...)))
  (save-excursion (save-excursion (run-hooks ...)) (htmlize-ensure-fontified) 
(clrhash htmlize-extended-character-cache) (clrhash htmlize-memoization-table) 
(let* (... ... ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer htmlbuf ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (let ... ... ...) (with-current-buffer htmlbuf ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) htmlbuf))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or buffer ...)) (htmlize-buffer-1))
  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)) (htmlize-buffer-1))
  (let ((htmlbuf ...)) (when (interactive-p) (switch-to-buffer htmlbuf)) 
  (let* ((htmlize-output-type ...) (newbuf ...)) (with-current-buffer newbuf 
(when org-export-htmlized-org-css-url ... ...) (write-file ...)) (kill-buffer 
  (progn (require (quote htmlize)) (require (quote org-html)) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (let* (... ...) (with-current-buffer newbuf ... ...) 
(kill-buffer newbuf)))
  (if (plist-get opt-plist :htmlized-source) (progn (require ...) (require ...) 
(font-lock-fontify-buffer) (let* ... ... ...)))
  (when (plist-get opt-plist :htmlized-source) (require (quote htmlize)) 
(require (quote org-html)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (let* (... ...) 
(with-current-buffer newbuf ... ...) (kill-buffer newbuf)))
  (save-excursion (switch-to-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (insert region) (let 
(...) (org-mode)) (org-install-letbind) (org-export-remove-archived-trees 
(plist-get opt-plist :archived-trees)) 
(org-export-remove-comment-blocks-and-subtrees) (org-export-handle-export-tags 
(plist-get opt-plist :select-tags) (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags)) (when 
(or ... ...) (save-buffer)) (when (plist-get opt-plist :htmlized-source) 
(require ...) (require ...) (font-lock-fontify-buffer) (let* ... ... ...)) 
(set-buffer-modified-p nil) (if (equal to-buffer ...) (progn ... ... str-ret) 
(kill-buffer ...)))
  (let* ((opt-plist ...) (bfname ...) (filename ...) (filename ...) 
(backup-inhibited t) (buffer ...) (region ...) str-ret) (save-excursion 
(switch-to-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (insert region) (let ... ...) 
(org-install-letbind) (org-export-remove-archived-trees ...) 
(org-export-remove-comment-blocks-and-subtrees) (org-export-handle-export-tags 
... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) 
(if ... ... ...)))
  org-export-as-org(nil nil (:buffer-will-be-killed t :base-directory 
"~/git/org-mode-doc/" :publishing-directory 
"/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t :section-numbers nil 
:table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" :publishing-function 
(org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) :plain-source t 
:htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" 
href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil :creator-info nil) nil 
nil "/ssh:www-d...@www:/var/www/doc.norang.ca/htdocs/")
  funcall(org-export-as-org nil nil (:buffer-will-be-killed t :base-directory 
"~/git/org-mode-doc/" :publishing-directory 
"/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t :section-numbers nil 
:table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" :publishing-function 
(org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) :plain-source t 
:htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" 
href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil :creator-info nil) nil 
nil "/ssh:www-d...@www:/var/www/doc.norang.ca/htdocs/")
  (setq export-buf-or-file (funcall (intern ...) (plist-get plist 
:headline-levels) nil plist nil (plist-get plist :body-only) pub-dir))
  (let* ((plist ...) (init-buf ...) (init-point ...) (init-buf-string ...) 
export-buf-or-file) (run-hooks (quote org-publish-before-export-hook)) (setq 
export-buf-or-file (funcall ... ... nil plist nil ... pub-dir)) (when (and ... 
...) (set-buffer export-buf-or-file) (progn ... ...) (kill-buffer 
export-buf-or-file)) (set-buffer init-buf) (when (buffer-modified-p init-buf) 
(erase-buffer) (insert init-buf-string) (save-buffer) (goto-char init-point)) 
(unless visiting (kill-buffer init-buf)))
  (save-excursion (switch-to-buffer (or visiting ...)) (let* (... ... ... ... 
export-buf-or-file) (run-hooks ...) (setq export-buf-or-file ...) (when ... ... 
... ...) (set-buffer init-buf) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (unless visiting 
  (let ((visiting ...)) (save-excursion (switch-to-buffer ...) (let* ... ... 
... ... ... ... ...)))
  org-publish-org-to("org" (:base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/" 
:publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t 
:section-numbers nil :table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" 
:publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) 
:plain-source t :htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link 
rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil 
:creator-info nil) "/home/bernt/git/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org" 
  org-publish-org-to-org((:base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/" 
:publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t 
:section-numbers nil :table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" 
:publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) 
:plain-source t :htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link 
rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil 
:creator-info nil) "/home/bernt/git/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org" 
  funcall(org-publish-org-to-org (:base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/" 
:publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t 
:section-numbers nil :table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" 
:publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) 
:plain-source t :htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link 
rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil 
:creator-info nil) "/home/bernt/git/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org" 
  (progn (funcall f project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) 
(org-publish-update-timestamp filename pub-dir f))
  (if (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir f tmp-pub-dir) (progn (funcall f 
project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) (org-publish-update-timestamp filename 
pub-dir f)))
  (when (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir f tmp-pub-dir) (funcall f 
project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) (org-publish-update-timestamp filename 
pub-dir f))
  (lambda (f) (when (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir f tmp-pub-dir) 
(funcall f project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) (org-publish-update-timestamp 
filename pub-dir f)))(org-publish-org-to-org)
  mapc((lambda (f) (when (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir f tmp-pub-dir) 
(funcall f project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) (org-publish-update-timestamp 
filename pub-dir f))) (org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org))
  (if (listp publishing-function) (mapc (lambda ... ...) publishing-function) 
(when (org-publish-needed-p filename pub-dir publishing-function tmp-pub-dir) 
(funcall publishing-function project-plist filename tmp-pub-dir) 
(org-publish-update-timestamp filename pub-dir publishing-function)))
  (let* ((project ...) (project-plist ...) (ftname ...) (publishing-function 
...) (base-dir ...) (pub-dir ...) tmp-pub-dir) (unless no-cache 
(org-publish-initialize-cache ...)) (setq tmp-pub-dir (file-name-directory 
...)) (if (listp publishing-function) (mapc ... publishing-function) (when ... 
... ...)) (unless no-cache (org-publish-write-cache-file)))
("org-mode-doc-org" :base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/" :publishing-directory 
"/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t :section-numbers nil 
:table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" :publishing-function 
(org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) :plain-source t 
:htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" 
href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil :creator-info nil) t)
  (while (setq file (pop files)) (org-publish-file file project t))
  (let* ((project-plist ...) (exclude-regexp ...) (sitemap-p ...) 
(sitemap-filename ...) (sitemap-function ...) (preparation-function ...) 
(completion-function ...) (files ...) file) (when preparation-function 
(run-hooks ...)) (if sitemap-p (funcall sitemap-function project 
sitemap-filename)) (while (setq file ...) (org-publish-file file project t)) 
(when (plist-get project-plist :makeindex) 
(org-publish-index-generate-theindex\.inc ...) (org-publish-file ... project 
t)) (when completion-function (run-hooks ...)) (org-publish-write-cache-file))
  (lambda (project) (org-publish-initialize-cache (car project)) (let* (... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... file) (when preparation-function ...) (if sitemap-p 
...) (while ... ...) (when ... ... ...) (when completion-function ...) 
(org-publish-write-cache-file)))(("org-mode-doc-org" :base-directory 
"~/git/org-mode-doc/" :publishing-directory 
"/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t :section-numbers nil 
:table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" :publishing-function 
(org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) :plain-source t 
:htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" 
href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil :creator-info nil))
  mapc((lambda (project) (org-publish-initialize-cache (car project)) (let* 
(... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... file) (when preparation-function ...) (if 
sitemap-p ...) (while ... ...) (when ... ... ...) (when completion-function 
...) (org-publish-write-cache-file))) (("org-mode-doc-org" :base-directory 
"~/git/org-mode-doc/" :publishing-directory 
"/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" :recursive t :section-numbers nil 
:table-of-contents nil :base-extension "org" :publishing-function 
(org-publish-org-to-html org-publish-org-to-org) :plain-source t 
:htmlized-source t :style-include-default nil :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" 
href=\"/org.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" :author-info nil :creator-info nil) 
("org-mode-doc-extra" :base-directory "~/git/org-mode-doc/" 
:publishing-directory "/ssh:www-d...@www:~/doc.norang.ca/htdocs" 
:base-extension "css\\|pdf\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif" :publishing-function 
org-publish-attachment :recursive t :author nil)))
  org-publish-projects((("org-mode-doc" :components ("org-mode-doc-org" 
  (let* ((org-publish-use-timestamps-flag ...)) (org-publish-projects (if ... 
... ...)))
  (save-window-excursion (let* (...) (org-publish-projects ...)))
  org-publish(("org-mode-doc" :components ("org-mode-doc-org" 
  (let ((project ...) (org-publish-use-timestamps-flag ...)) (if (not project) 
(error "File %s is not part of any known project" ...)) (org-publish project))
  (save-window-excursion (let (... ...) (if ... ...) (org-publish project)))
  call-interactively(bh/save-then-publish nil nil)

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
 of 2010-11-03 on potassium, modified by Debian
Package: Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.79.g9c4b9)

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