Bastien <> writes:

> Jason Dunsmore <> writes:
>> Option 1:
>> Option 2:
>> Option 3:
> Wow!  I love this.  My preference goes to Jason's version: both plain
> simple and colorful.  I also love Eric's expandable table of contents:
> the one we have for now often clutters the page too much...

Thanks so much, Jason and Eric, for taking the time to put these
stylesheets together! IMO, shifting the "weight" of the page to the
left, as both stylesheets do, makes the pages more and the hierarchical
structure of the org source clearer.

>> How should we move forward with this?  Take a vote?
> Matt's call :)
> My suggestion would be to go with Jason's css (combined with Eric's
> expandable table of contents) then have Eric's css and the old-worg 
> css available as alternative css.

I like Jason's stylesheet, and have a couple of observations:

1) h3 headers are indented, but the text beneath them is not.
   - See
2) h1 is a little bit off center, perhaps because of the org-mode logo?

I very much like Eric's hidden table of contents. I think it makes it
much easier to get right into the material and avoids some of the
formatting problems associated with a float. 

An aside: I noticed that both stylesheets contain a lot of instructions
that seem to have been created by htmlize.el:

 - Are these automatically generated? If so, might I ask how?

 - Some of the instructions seem superfluous outside of emacs (e.g.,
   flyspell faces). Should the css be trimmed to include only items that
   will be displayed in html?

Thanks again!

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