Hi Rainer,

Rainer M Krug wrote:
> #+TITLE:     Export of images in table to pdf
> #+AUTHOR:    Rainer M. Krug
> #+DATE:      2011-02-08 Tue
> Hi
> I have problems exporting this table with graphs to pdf:
> 1) when exporting, the links are retained, and okular tells me
> "malformed url"
> 2) I would like to have the graphs inserted instead of the links ---
> according to the manual, this should be done automatically, but it does
> not work.
> Is there something I am missing here?
> Cheers,
> Rainer
> * Generating the graphs
> #+begin_src R :results output org :exports both
>   cat("|---|---|---|\n")
>   for (x in 1:3) {
>       for (y in 1:3) {
>         pdf(paste("img", x, y, "pdf", sep="."))
>         plot(runif(100))
>         dev.off()
>       }
>       cat("|", paste(" [[file:img.1", x, "pdf", sep="."), "]] |",
> paste(" [[./img.2", x, "pdf", sep="."), "]] |", paste("[[./img.3", x,
> "pdf", sep="."), "]] |\n")
>     }
>   cat("|---|---|---|\n")
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> |-------------------+----------------+----------------|
> | [[file:img.1.1.pdf ]] | [[./img.2.1.pdf ]] | [[./img.3.1.pdf ]] |
> | [[file:img.1.2.pdf ]] | [[./img.2.2.pdf ]] | [[./img.3.2.pdf ]] |
> | [[file:img.1.3.pdf ]] | [[./img.2.3.pdf ]] | [[./img.3.3.pdf ]] |
> |-------------------+----------------+----------------|

Don't know if that can be the source of the problem, but it appears you have
spaces after the filename, in your links.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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