
I've a really weird exception occurring: change state from TODO to DONE is
blocked... while I'm on a leaf of the Org tree!?

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error #("TODO state change from TODO to DONE 
blocked" 23 27 (face org-todo) 31 35 (face org-done)))
  signal(error (#("TODO state change from TODO to DONE blocked" 23 27 (face 
org-todo) 31 35 (face org-done))))
  error("TODO state change from %s to %s blocked" #("TODO" 0 4 (face org-todo)) 
#("DONE" 0 4 (face org-done)))
  (if (interactive-p) (error "TODO state change from %s to %s blocked" this 
state) (message "TODO state change from %s to %s blocked" this state) (throw 
(quote exit) nil))
  (if (save-excursion (save-match-data ...)) nil (if (interactive-p) (error 
"TODO state change from %s to %s blocked" this state) (message "TODO state 
change from %s to %s blocked" this state) (throw ... nil)))
  (unless (save-excursion (save-match-data ...)) (if (interactive-p) (error 
"TODO state change from %s to %s blocked" this state) (message "TODO state 
change from %s to %s blocked" this state) (throw ... nil)))
  (progn (setq org-last-todo-state-is-todo (not ...)) (unless (save-excursion 
...) (if ... ... ... ...)))
  (if org-blocker-hook (progn (setq org-last-todo-state-is-todo ...) (unless 
... ...)))
  (when org-blocker-hook (setq org-last-todo-state-is-todo (not ...)) (unless 
(save-excursion ...) (if ... ... ... ...)))
  (let* ((match-data ...) (startpos ...) (logging ...) (org-log-done 
org-log-done) (org-log-repeat org-log-repeat) (org-todo-log-states 
org-todo-log-states) (this ...) (hl-pos ...) (head ...) (ass ...) (interpret 
...) (done-word ...) (final-done-word ...) (last-state ...) 
(completion-ignore-case t) (member ...) (tail ...) (state ...) (state ...) 
(next ...) (change-plist ...) dolog now-done-p) (when org-blocker-hook (setq 
org-last-todo-state-is-todo ...) (unless ... ...)) (store-match-data 
match-data) (replace-match next t t) (unless (pos-visible-in-window-p hl-pos) 
(message "TODO state changed to %s" ...)) (unless head (setq head ... ass ... 
interpret ... done-word ... final-done-word ...)) (when (memq arg ...) (message 
"Keyword-Set %d/%d: %s" ... ... ...)) (setq org-last-todo-state-is-todo (not 
...)) (setq now-done-p (and ... ...)) (and logging (org-local-logging logging)) 
(when (and ... ... ...) (setq dolog ...) (if ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... 
... ...) (when ... ...)) (org-todo-trigger-tag-changes state) (and 
org-auto-align-tags (not org-setting-tags) (org-set-tags nil t)) (when 
org-provide-todo-statistics (org-update-parent-todo-statistics)) (run-hooks 
(quote org-after-todo-state-change-hook)) (if (and arg ...) (setq head ...)) 
(put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) (quote org-todo-head) head) 
(when now-done-p (when ... ...) (org-auto-repeat-maybe state)) (if (and ... ... 
... ...) (progn ... ...)) (when org-trigger-hook (save-excursion ...)))
  (catch (quote exit) (org-back-to-heading t) (if (looking-at outline-regexp) 
(goto-char ...)) (or (looking-at ...) (looking-at " *")) (let* (... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... dolog 
now-done-p) (when org-blocker-hook ... ...) (store-match-data match-data) 
(replace-match next t t) (unless ... ...) (unless head ...) (when ... ...) 
(setq org-last-todo-state-is-todo ...) (setq now-done-p ...) (and logging ...) 
(when ... ... ... ... ... ...) (org-todo-trigger-tag-changes state) (and 
org-auto-align-tags ... ...) (when org-provide-todo-statistics ...) (run-hooks 
...) (if ... ...) (put-text-property ... ... ... head) (when now-done-p ... 
...) (if ... ...) (when org-trigger-hook ...)))
  (save-excursion (catch (quote exit) (org-back-to-heading t) (if ... ...) (or 
... ...) (let* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
... ... ... ...)))
  (let ((org-blocker-hook org-blocker-hook) (case-fold-search nil)) (when 
(equal arg ...) (setq arg nil org-blocker-hook nil)) (when (and 
org-blocker-hook ...) (setq org-blocker-hook nil)) (save-excursion (catch ... 
... ... ... ...)))
  (cond ((commandp org-speed-command) (setq this-command org-speed-command) 
(call-interactively org-speed-command)) ((functionp org-speed-command) (funcall 
org-speed-command)) ((and org-speed-command ...) (eval org-speed-command)) (t 
(let ... ...)))
  (cond ((and org-use-speed-commands ...) (cond ... ... ... ...)) ((and ... ... 
... ...) (let ... ... ... ... ...)) (t (setq org-table-may-need-update t) 
(self-insert-command N) (org-fix-tags-on-the-fly) (if 
org-self-insert-cluster-for-undo ...)))
  call-interactively(org-self-insert-command nil nil)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I absolutely don't understand which conditions are met for provoking that
strange reaction.

Taking that leaf and putting it in a blanco Org file allows me to do the state
change. So, it's not related to the headline itself.

But, so far, I'm unable to make a minimal example, as I don't understand yet
the root cause of the problem.

Anybody having an idea, or able to suggest some more tests to do, based on the
above input?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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