When I try to tangle the simple file shown below, I get this error:
  "Wrong type argument: sequencep, hline".
Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.44.g49d9c.dirty)

I have the default values of these args (checked through gebugging)
According to the help:
* :hlines: `no' (default)
  Strips horizontal lines from the input table.
* :colnames `nil' (default) 
  If an input table looks like it has column names (because
  its second row is an hline), then the column names will be removed
  from the table before processing

This is urgent for me, so any help is appreciated!

---- input file:

#+STARTUP:  showeverything
#+BABEL:    :tangle yes

* Normalize
#+tblname: normalize
| search        | replace      |
| no salt added | without salt |

#+begin_src perl :var norm_search=normalize[*,0] :var norm_repl=normalize[*,1]

---- backtrace cut at 74 columns (email me for the full backtrace):

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument sequencep hline)       
  org-babel-ref-index-list("0" hline)                                     
  #[(sub-lis) "\302   \"\207" [remainder sub-lis org-babel-ref-index-lis
  mapcar(#[(sub-lis) "\302    \"\207" [remainder sub-lis org-babel-ref-i
  org-babel-ref-index-list("*,0" (("search" "replace") hline ("no salt add
  (if (consp (cdr el)) (cdr el) (org-babel-ref-parse (cdr el)))           
  (lambda (el) (if (consp (cdr el)) (cdr el) (org-babel-ref-parse (cdr el)
  mapcar((lambda (el) (if (consp (cdr el)) (cdr el) (org-babel-ref-parse (
  (org-babel-disassemble-tables (mapcar (lambda (el) (if (consp (cdr el)) 
  (let* ((vars-and-names (org-babel-disassemble-tables (mapcar (lambda (el
  org-babel-process-params(((:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no

I tried debugging but quickly got lost. Still, some observations:
- org-babel-disassemble-tables: didn't seem to do much since 'vars' was nil
- org-babel-ref-index-list: I think it should receive the stripped table,
  i.e. these elements should have been removed:
  ("search" "replace") hline

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