
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Florian Blank <
bl...@informatik.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:

> Hallo,
> I'm quite new in org-mode. So I'm sorry to ask maybe an easy question, i
> absolutly do not find the solution for my problem. Even if I'm thinking,
> that org-mode ist the most sympatic and efficent way to work for me. But to
> the problem.
> I want to use org-mode to organize excerpts. So my biggest Problem at the
> moment si,
> a) how to sum up multiple files und subfolders in an (root-)folder for a
> search on the tags, (and produce an file with an output)
While it might not be the best looking output, you can use agenda for
something like this. I don't know if you have familiarity with agenda or
not, so assuming you don't, the process would be like so:
- add your various files to your agenda list (visit the file and do C-c [)
covered here: http://orgmode.org/manual/Agenda-files.html#Agenda-files

- run agenda with M-x org-agenda or add this to .emacs
| global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
and then use C-c a.

- choose the "m" option for 'Match a tags/prop/todo query'

- type in your tag and observe the output. When I do this and insert a tag I
know exists all over, the resulting agenda view produces a list like so:
| Filename:  Headline-where-tag-occurs   :tag-I-searched:
| Filename:  Headline-where-tag-occurs2   :tag-I-searched:
| ...

- you can then write this list using C-x C-w to a file. Others may be able
to comment on more advanced exporting; I haven't used this feature yet
(other than knowing it exists) -- there may be a way to export to another
org file. Otherwise, you could run some sed commands and insert stars at the
beginning of each list or change ":" into ": |" to make an org table from
the output. I think once you have your exported list, you should be able to
do something with it to make it usable, hopefully.

> b) how to extract the used tags of an given root-folder to a list
> (buffer, file)
I'll let someone else handle this... I was thinking 'grep ':.*:' files' but
that isn't working so hot...

> By the way: Not realy a big question to me at the moment, but I was
> wondering if der is any possibillity to handle bibtex files (*.bib)
> like
> @BOOK{Metaphysik_Rapp_1996,
>  title = {Aristoteles Metaphysik, Die Substanzbücher {(Z,} Ē, {TH)}},
>  publisher = {Akademie Verl.},
>  year = {1996},
>  author = {Christof Rapp},
>  address = {Berlin},
>  isbn = {9783050028651},
>  keywords = {Metaphysik, Aristoteles, Substanz, ousia},
>  lccn = {0000},
>  owner = {schlaubi},
> }
> For example, that it ist possible to include in an tag-search the values of
>  "keywords = {xxx}" of an given bibtex-file (database-file).
> Thank you for your time,
> Florian Blank.
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