Greg Troxel <> writes:

> I use MobileOrg with webdav, both remote over ssh/tramp, and locally
> (two separate setups).
> On the ssh one:
> (setq org-mobile-directory "/")
> (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull
>       (concat org-directory "/"))
> (setq org-mobile-use-encryption t)
> (setq org-mobile-encryption-password "password")
> But, the tricky part is dealing with permissions.
> Basically, the webdav world seems to want you to only access it via
> webdav, and joint filesystem and webdav access is troublesome.

Yup. This was my issue too.

> My remote directory is (on NetBSD, which I think inherits gid even
> without the SysV-style sgid directory):
> drwxrws---  2 gdt  www  512 Mar  2 09:08 ORG/
> and I run this script from cron every 5 minutes:
> #!/bin/sh
> cd /home/gdt/ORG
> find . -type f \! -group www | while read f; do
>     echo -n "GROUP "; ls -l $f
>     chgrp www $f
> done
> find . -type f -name mobileorg\* \! -perm -220 | while read f; do
>     echo -n "MODE "; ls -l $f
>     chmod g+w $f
> done

Aha. I didnt think it could work "out of the box". Thanks for the

> An alternative would be to have a webdav fs on the machine with the org
> files, and to use that to write to the webdav area.

I'm not sure I parse that properly. Do you mean mounted and owned as
www-data/www via shfs or something?

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