I put the diary-sunset and diary-sunrise functions in a file called
sunrisesunset.el in my elisp directory, it is part of my load path and put
'(require 'sunrisesunset)
in my .emacs
It only loads if I type
M-x load-library   RET   sunrisesunset RET
I am not sure why it isn't automatically loading like other files I have set
the same way, the same holds true for org-google-weather, I ran the git,
have it in my home directory and have it set up for require in my dotemacs
but i still have to
M-x load-library RET org-google-weather RET
to get it to work in my agenda.

I am running on cygwin with emacs 23.2 and with Org 7.4 (updated to make
sure), I ended up putting the diary-sunrise and diary-sunset functions in my
dot emacs and they work just fine but putting the contents of different .el
files in my dotemacs file isn't a good long term solution.  Any suggestions
as to what I might look at or for?

Matthew S

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