> (setq org-export-latex-hyperref-format "\\ref{%s}") then you can
> refer to sections by their numbers with "as we see in section
> [[section]]" and it works nicely.

Wow; it works! Lawrence, in your experience, how fragile is this? The
bliss of LaTeX labels is that they are independent of the printed
headings so I can change the title and retain a sensible \ref.

Eric, thanks for your point. I still think it less than ideal, as
illustrate by this snip.

| \section{Introduction}
| \label{sec-1}
| \label{sec:into}

Org has a /really/ bad habit of inserting blank lines! Here is an
example of a "fix" from a beamer presentation:

| *** Stiglitz                                                  :B_quotation:
|     :BEAMER_env: quotation
|     :END:
|     \noindent
|     Social capital is a concept with a short and already confused history.
| #+latex:  \\\hfill\citep[pp. 59]{stiglitz99}

And the output:

| \begin{quotation} % Stiglitz
| \label{sec-2_1_1}
|     \noindent
|     Social capital is a concept with a short and already confused history.
| \\\hfill\citep[pp. 59]{stiglitz99}
| \end{quotation}


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