On Tue, Mar 08 2011, Michael Käufl wrote:

> Q1) links to contacts
> Is there a common way to create links to contacts?

I'd say just the same way as for any Org entry. 

> F1) csv export
> When writing bulk letters with LaTeX, all I need is a file with the
> recipients addresses in some predefined order.  So it would be nice to
> have some export option where I can choose the properties and contacts
> I'd like to export and get a csv file.

I think it's more an Org problem than an org-contacts one. :)

> F2) pgp keys
> I just started using gnus so I'm not quite familiar with it.  According
> to [1] BBDB can be used to map recipients to pgp keys.  So it would be
> great if org-contacts can support this in any way.  I have no plans to
> use this at the moment, so no need to hurry.

I'm not sure that's something you really need: Gnus GPG support just
pick the key one address is for. You do not need to do a manual mapping.
Unless you really want to, but that'd be weird.

Julien Danjou
❱ http://julien.danjou.info

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