Hi Olaf,

"Olaf.Hamann" <o.ham...@gmx.net> writes:

> I'm using head of git repository and Eric Schulte has just added a feature
> to org-babel,
> which I do use very often (expanding macros in src blocks).
> Tangling without that new feature produce corrupt code files.

now I understand, thanks.

> So I would like to give a hint to myself (as I run different Emacse in
> various virtual machines)  and perhaps to colleques,
> if they would like to use the org-file as well.

Just say "This file needs Org development version" and remove this
message when it is not true anymore (after the next release).

> So if that feature will be still included in next stable org-mode release,

(Note that, historically, I think all the features from the git dev
version go to the release.)

> I can compare to string =org-version= less or greater 7.5
> but in the meantime I would like to compare to  a certain git revision.
> I have to take a look into git manual, right?

I don't see the real need for something complicated.  Just say that the
.org file needs current head until it's not true anymore.  If you don't
want to have to update this message, say

(insert "This file needs " (org-version))

If the needed version is a release version, it will look like

  This file needs Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5)

otherwise it will look like 

  This file needs Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.71.g58e351)

where the ".71.g58e351" say it's one of the git commit in current
development version.



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